17 June 2015

Chocolate and custard éclairs

Hello! Here I'm again!

To be honest, I've tasted different types of éclairs in different textures and flavours, but I always end up with the classics. For this reason, I bring you the classical recipe you can find in every bakery of Spain.

In this case, we'll be working with the same dough to prepare prodiferols and, as happen in both cases, well need a pastry bag to form vertical lines (2cm wide and 13 cm long).

So, here we go!

15 min dough cooking + 30 min éclairs in the oven
15 servers

Method for the dough:

  •  250 ml water
  • 50 gr no-salt butter
  • 170 gr flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 5 large eggs

  1. Dough preparation and cooking: in a pot, pour the water, add the butter and the salt until it starts to boil. Once it has boiled, pour the flour all at once and turn down the heat. Don't stop stiring for six or seven minutes. The result: the dough will be easily removed from the pot. Now, add the eggs one by one. In this step, the first and the second egg won't be easily added to the dough, but it's normal. Add the rest of the eggs without stop stiring. Once you have added all the eggs, leave it to stand for some minutes. 
  2. Now, put the dough into a pastry bag. It's better to use an open tip because we need the éclairs to be thick. 
  3. Preheat the oven (180º). On the baking tray, place some baking paper and start making the éclairs. Once they are done, put them into the oven for 20 minutes. Then, turn down the heat (150º) and leave them in the oven until they are dry. In order to check it, open an éclair. If it is empty, they are ready to fill. 

Ingredientes for the custard:
  • 1 L milk 
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 gr sugar
  • 2  full tbsp. flour
  • vanilla extract
  1. Pour all the ingrendients into a pot until they start to boil without stop stiring. Stir until it gets thicked. 
  2. Remove the pot from the heat and put it in the fridge without covering it. 
  3. The custard must be cool to fill the éclairs. 
Ingredientes for the chocolate topping: 

  • Half plain chocolate bar
  • 50 gr butter

  1. Put both ingredients into a bowl in the microwave for 90 seconds. Then, stir well. Fill in the éclairs. In order to do so, you can open them. Instead, you can do the following: make a hole on the top of the éclair with a toothpick. The hole needs to be big enough in order to allow the tip to be in and fill the éclair.
  2. Now, pour the chocolate topping over the éclairs. 
  3. Put the éclairs in the fridge until the chocolate is harden.
And that's all! I hope you have enjoyed the recipe! 

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